Hello! My name is Nitish & my partner’s name is Pooja. I live in Bangalore, India & my partner lives in Pune, India. There are 522.2 miles of distance between us and this is our story.


How We Met

Pooja and I met each other during an engagement ceremony between our cousins (her cousin’s brother and my cousin’s sister) in Pune on March, 2011. As of today its been more than 24 months or 2 years of us being in a Long Distance Relationship.

How The Distance Has Shaped Our Relationship

I feel that being in a Long Distance Relationship has shaped our relationship well. We are able to understand each other more through being together in an LDR. Though we have gone through the phases (ups and downs) of a normal relationship, we’ve been able to overcome them easily because we have an LDR background.

The Obstacles We Face Being Long Distance

Our biggest obstacle has been trying to meet up with each other often. It is a primary need for both of us but somehow we’ve been able to manage by using Skype, Whatsapp, Phone calls and texting.


We get to travel to see each other when either of us is free from work. If she is traveling to Bangalore I make sure she is comfortable, happy and had a great time during the visit. Having that beautiful smile on her face is a fun loving activity I would like to do more often.

What We Love About Being LDR

Being in an LDR has given us the great advantage of getting to know each other well and understanding each of our likes, dislikes and even the emotions behind some particular words.

Our Advice To Other LDR Couples

Do make time to understand your partner’s likes and dislikes. I highly suggest phone calls which can do wonders because that is real time response. Do meet your partner and during the visit make them happy for your arrival by bringing some surprise gifts!


We love to feature the stories of long distance couples from around the world, young or old, new or veteran. If you’d like to be featured on LDR Magazine, share your story with us!