Frequent flyer miles and monthly meet-ups are probably the furthest things to come to your mind when you think about entering into a brand new relationship, but sometimes love isn’t easy and distance can become a plausible threat to your relationship’s future.

The fact that you are reading this article probably means that you are now faced with the possibility of entering into the dreaded long distance relationship. Welcome to the dark side.

Long distance relationships have a notoriously bad rep. The majority of people believe they are doomed to fail even before they get off the ground and it isn’t until you are faced with the prospect of entering into an LDR that you really are forced to take an honest objective look at it.

So, how do you know if a long distance relationship is really for you? Is this one single person really worth all the time and space you’ll spend apart?

We’ve created this in-depth checklist to help you ask the right questions before you jump feet first into a long distance relationship. What can you handle? What can’t you handle? How long are you and your potential partner willing to wait?

Examine the points yourself & discuss them with your partner to see if either of you is prepared to go the distance. There’s a free download for the full set of questions at the end of the article.


Download the free PDF to get the full Pre-LDR Checklist with all of the questions!

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