When deep in the belly of a long distance relationship, It’s important to give yourself something to look forward to once that distance has finally closed. There are a number of ways to do this, but today we’ll be highlighting just one: The Proximity List.

A proximity list is like a bucket list for long distance couples. Only, instead of trying to complete the tasks before you “kick the bucket” (or die) you and your partner organize a list of things that you’ll plan on doing once you’re permanently together or have closed the distance.

Unlike a bucket list, there’s no hasty race to try to mark off all the items on your list before time runs out. Instead, the Proximity list gives you and your partner something to look forward to. It helps you to cement permanent plans for the future –even if those plans are just things you’d like to do together for fun. Those plans in turn help your relationship to feel more solid & permanent.

Making a proximity list is one of the best ways to show that both you and your partner can really see yourselves together in the future.

Here are some things we’ve listed in our own proximity lists with our partners:

  1. A specific movie that we won’t watch until we’re physically together.
  2. Places we intend to travel to at least once
  3. A special date night reserved only for when the distance has been close (think camping under the stars, or a Zombie apocalypse date)
  4. Spending a whole 24 hours awake so we can see both the sunrise and sunset in the same day together
  5. Calling in sick to spend the entire day together.


As you can see, the ideas can be as simple, silly or serious as you like. To help you plot out your LDR Proximity list, we’ve created a free printable which you can download below.

Print & fill out, then paste in your wall or billboard as a visual reminder of what you’ll get to experience together once you beat the distance!


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What will you put on YOUR long distance bucket list? Share your lists with us!

