What can you put inside open when letters? That’s a question we’ve received from many readers! While there are lots of inspirational open when letters online that you can draw inspiration from and tons of open when topics for your letters to choose from it’s still hard to figure out what to actually put inside your letters when the time comes for YOU to make them.

So what can you put inside open when letters? How can you make each letter special and unique for the person who’ll be receiving them? With the month of love only a few days away, we thought it’d be a great idea to introduce our list of things to put inside open when letters!

whattoputinsideopenwhenletters1. Open When.. You Miss Me

A Mailable hug is great when you can’t be there to hug someone physically.
A Collection of Photos is perfect when someone is missing your sweet face.
♥ Send your scent with a spritz of perfume or even better – long lasting scented paper!

2. Open When.. You’re Mad At Me

Send a kiss on paper! A classic move when you can’t get a real smooch in!
♥ Send an all encompassing declaration of apology that will cover all you could possibly have done wrong.
♥ You can’t send them a full bouquet but you CAN send them a single dried & pressed rose. Trust us, this’ll soften them up for sure.

3. Open When.. You’re Stressed

♥ Bubble wrap to pop for some instant stress relief!
♥ Encouraging photos or inside jokes to get them laughing or smiling!
♥ A motivational letter. Let them know why they rock and why there’s no reason to stress!

4. Open When.. You’re Bored

Printable Puzzles are a great bet for anyone who’s bored. You can take them anywhere and still have a lot of fun.
♥ Retell the story of how you and that special person first met from your point of view.
♥ A list of songs, or even a mix CD is a great addition to this open when envelope.

We hope these ideas will help you to get started on your own open when letters and open up inspiration for more!

If you’d like us to create more ideas for what to put inside open when letters, leave a comment below with the open when letter you need help creating!


openwhenlettersprintableIf you’re still having trouble, or would like more open when letter ideas already created for you, check out our 6 printable open when kits!

Just download, print and you’ll have everything you need for 6 perfectly designed letters! You can even spread the printables out across other letters too if 6 envelopes just isn’t enough! The printables are flexible and can be used to many different occasions.

Pre-Made Open when letter kits sell for around $70 to $100 on Etsy but you can get the beautiful ideas and designs in our downloadable, printable kit for only $50 50% OFF for a LIMITED TIME!

$50.00Grab Your Free Download

This sale will last Jan 22nd – 25th – Just in time for February! This is a ONE TIME SALE so get it while you can – This is GREAT value for a heartfelt meaningful gift to give to someone you love!

Our Open When Letter Kits Contain:

♥ 30 stylish Love Note prompts
♥ 24 Beautiful Typographic Quotes
♥ 40 Mini photo albums, Notebooks & Goodies
♥ & Lots More!

That’s over 90 printables to put inside an unlimited amount of open when letters! Want these for your letters? You can purchase them below:

$50.00Grab Your Free Download