The best thing about the LDR community is all of the amazing support available to LDR couples. There’s a lot of advice out there about LDRs and how to survive them, but some of the most amazing advice you can find is that which comes from couples are actually in a long distance relationship.
Seeing how they manage the distance and reading their stories that can give us comfort and guidance as we tackle the ups and downs of our own long distance relationship. Lets take a look at some real long distance bloggers who have shared their own amazing advice for other long distance couples.
“Plan possible dates in which you both can or believe you can see each other. There’s nothing worse than wondering when you will be meeting or seeing your Significant Other (SO) again. Even if you are currently planning meeting for the first time or a visit, plan the next visit after that one as soon as possible.
Being able to countdown the days and knowing you will be seeing your SO is great! It may be hard to plan a visit ahead, especially if you haven’t even planned the one that will happen before the second one, but you will feel much better when you do and you can book tickets at a lower price.”
Find out what Brenda and her S/O did to successfully defeat the distance.
“My biggest piece of advice to someone just starting out, or considering entering, in a LDR is that it’s okay to have bad days and be sad and miss your partner and be miserable, there is nothing wrong with that. It’s okay to be selfish some days and want to take care of yourself first. It’s also okay to have time away from your partner. We are humans, we have emotions, we are not robots, you don’t need to be a robot.
Now, I’m not saying that you should be miserable every second you are away from your partner, and you should still try to be happy, but we all have bad days, it’s okay to have a bad day because you miss them and hate the distance and want to be with them. It’s okay to not want to talk to or be around family and friends if you want to curl up and watch your favorite tv show.”
Read Sarah’s advice on how to handle the tough times and bad days.
“Communication is important, that’s been said by many people before. However you won’t understand what I’m talking about until you get yourself involved on a ldr…Why? Because it becomes pretty obvious that after a while if you notice things aren’t quite as they were before, then I can guarantee you the communication between you two is faulty.”
Find out how good communication helped Luna and Cielo.
“Kenny & I use to and ( on occasion, slip up ) play the World Series of Our Relationship. There are a lot of pronouns being utilized in our convictions. Meaning, verbalized finger pointing on who is and is not fueling the relationship. Our relationship should not be about who did or did not wake up early in order to get on Skype, or who should take off work this time to see each other.
As long as our relationship is maxing out at 100%, why does it matter that one of us is doing 40% and the other 60%? There will come a time where the roles are reversed and then back again. So you’re going to throw, I’m going to catch and then, back again.”
Read Cassandra’s tips on making sure that you are your S/O are on the same team.
“ALWAYS talk out your issues. I highly advice against sweeping your issues under the rug to be dealt with another day. Chances are, you probably won’t deal with it because it’s out of sight therefore out of mind. Have an honest and open communication with your partner. This doesn’t apply to just long distance relationships but to close proximity relationships as well. Unresolved issues can lead to more unwanted issues.”
Read Khaira’s tips on how to overcome a lover’s quarrel.
Reading advice from someone in a situation similar to our own can give us the encouragement we need to keep going. While other articles about LDRs may be helpful, there’s nothing like connecting with someone who is in the same situation as you. They just GET it.
If you’d like to read more amazing advice from other real long distance couples, you can find even more valuable tips and experiences from even more long distance bloggers by clicking the image on the right.