Category: Couples

Great tools, tips and advice for long distance couples!

5 Tips to Help You Deal With Setbacks in an LDR

When you’re in a long distance relationship, you’re going to experience many setbacks. Some will be like a little speed bump in the road, whilst others will feel like the Himalayas. The most important thing with these setbacks is not how big they are, but rather how you go about coping with them….

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What to Expect After Closing the Distance

Closing the distance is the end goal for every long distance couple. We spend years working up to that pivotal moment when we can finally get rid of the distance between us for good and finally just be together. No more planes, trains or buses just to hug or kiss or hold hands….

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19 DIY Gifts For Long Distance Boyfriends

Looking for gift ideas for your long distance boyfriend? Great! We’ve got 19 awesome DIY projects and tutorials you can follow to create your own one of a kind gifts for that special guy in your life. 1. D.I.Y. Instagram Calendar – Visit Tutorial Create an easy DIY Calendar full of photos you,…

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15 Truly Inspiring Short Poems About Long Distance Relationships

Poems are the writers way of expressing emotions, thoughts and experiences. Through poetry we are able to tell our story to the world. By reading poetry we are able to identify with people we may have never met on a very personal level. The following poems about long distance relationships are written by…

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How Not Having A Big Wedding Made Me Feel

An LDR can take on many guises, you could be dating long distance, planning a wedding and traversing your engagement, or (like me) your marriage is conducted miles apart. I got married to my husband in Ohio, USA in 2009 and returned to the UK shortly after our union for what we thought…

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How to deal with Long Distance Relationships and Timezones

Time-zones are confusing. My boyfriend and I live in two different time-zones, the difference in time only amounting to an hour; but even figuring out which of us is an hour ahead or behind each other is really confusing. I can only imagine how much more difficult it is for couples who live…

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How To Plan Your Long Distance Wedding, Part 2: Planning & Scheduling From Afar

Read Part I of our LDR Wedding How-to Series: Choosing Your Wedding Type ➨ Generally speaking (but not always), long distance wedding planning may be done from a distance. The Bride and Groom may not have easy access to resources in the vicinity of where their wedding will take place because they are planning…

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Top 101 Inspiring Long Distance Relationship Quotes

Inspirational quotes have the power to give us the courage we need to pursue the things we want, need or love. These Long Distance Relationship Quotes have been shared with us by people in long distance relationships just like you. These are the words that have inspired them to keep on defying the distance….

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10 Signs it’s time to end your Long Distance Relationship

Distance is a tough obstacle to face in a relationship and sadly, not everyone can cope with being far apart from the person they love for extended periods of time. For some, the relationship can become stale, empty or you can start to feel very distant from one another. But how do you…

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A Question About Faith – Fidelity In An LDR

During the 4 years I was in my LDR, I got asked quite a few times about faithfulness and if I ever worried about it. To those who have never been in an LDR, the idea of being apart, and having complete trust in your partner, was a hard concept to grasp, not…

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