Category: Couples

Great tools, tips and advice for long distance couples!

How To Plan Your Long Distance Wedding, Part 1: Choosing Your Wedding Type

Planning a long distance wedding is one of the most exciting things you will ever do. It will be a story that you can tell over and over again -your love story of defying the odds of distance. This is new territory though. Everyone knows how to plan a normal wedding, but not…

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9 Real Benefits That Come From Being in a Long Distance Relationship

It’s not distance that kills relationships, its doubt. That is what I have discovered after 9 years of experience in my own LDR, as well as in discussions with others in the same long distance situation. It’s easy to label the distance as the cause for a failed relationship. But more often than not…

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How To Cope With A Long Distance Breakup

Breakups are the worst. When a romantic relationship comes to an end, it’s a huge change and a huge loss to both people involved. It can be a really overwhelming period for you. You feel like you’ve lost such a huge part of you and now you have to start over and make…

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Eight Quotes To Help You Survive The Distance

In life we face many trials and tests that help define who we are as individuals. In an LDR we face similar tests that help define the strength of our relationship, and both partners as individuals. It’s not easy though dealing with all the obstacles of distance. Here are 8 quotes that will…

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How To Have Dinner Dates At A Distance

As part of my 4 year LDR, my husband and I really wanted to do things in as normal a way as possible. Of course, being in a relationship thousands of miles apart may not be ‘normal’ to most people, but it was about finding what helped us feel close and continue with…

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15 Long Distance Relationship Wedding Cake Ideas

Tomorrow, March 20th, is the spring equinox aka the first official day of spring. We couldn’t be happier to see the warm weather rolling in! Now that spring will officially be here, why not share some wonderful long distance relationship wedding cake ideas! If you’re planning on having a spring wedding, these ideas…

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LDR: Tips For Surviving It

Hi, I’m Molly, a new author and contributor here on LDR Magazine. I had been in (and survived) an LDR that started when I left my husband in America to fly back to the UK on August 28th 2009. We maintained our marriage over thousands of miles, and were finally reunited on October…

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7 Infographics About Long Distance Relationships

Infographics are a great way to learn about a subject in an easy and fun way. In this article, you’ll discover a variety of infographics and visualizations associated with long distance relationships. Use them when educating others about your relationship, share them with fellow LDR enthusiasts or learn a bit yourself. Either way,…

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What exactly is it that I can ship internationally?

Some countries and international organizations impose restrictions on what you can send to certain individuals, organizations or countries. For us, this means that we have to be very careful about what we place inside the care-packages, letters and boxes that we’re sending to our long distance partner. If you don’t follow these restrictions…

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How to Survive Long Distance

Having to live far away from someone you love can be painful. But when there is darkness, there is light. Here are a few tips and tricks that I have accumulated in my long distance relationship: Send pictures to each other. Randomly sending goofy pictures to the one you love will brighten up…

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