There are a lot of LDR products available now. But you may wonder, why do I need to send my long distance significant other gifts? Does it really matter? Well, research has shown that giving gifts helps define and strengthen relationships. So with that being said, here are 3 benefits of giving your partner gifts:
It’s A Great Way To Say Thank You For All That They Do.
Your significant other is the light of your life, the sunshine on a rainy day. They love you, comfort you, and support you. There are many reasons why you love them so much, and of course you’re grateful for everything they do. Giving them a gift now and then is a nice way to say “I appreciate you.”
It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive, it’s really the thought that counts when you give your partner a gift. When you send your long distance partner a gift it’s very special to them because they know about the extra effort you had to put into getting it to them despite the distance.
Some People Need Gifts To Feel Loved
You’re probably already familiar with the 5 love languages. A lot of people have taken the quiz and many were surprised to find that Gifts turned out to be their love language. What does this tell us? That some people need to receive gifts in order to feel loved. Even if gifts are not a large part of our love language, we still appreciate them. How much more so would a person who needs them appreciate this loving gesture?
They Have Something Tangible To Hold Onto Until You’re Physically Together
Another benefit of giving your long distance love a gift is what it represents. As long as you are apart, you’re not able to hug and kiss them when they feel insecure or sad. And sometimes you may simply be unavailable to talk or text.
For instance, what if your S/O is feeling down and just needs a reminder of how much you love them, but you’re busy at work and can’t talk to them until you’re less busy at work? That would be a good time for them to pull out your gift and think about how nervous and excited you were when you gave it them. How much you must love them to have gone through such trouble to pick out this gift for them!
What about you dear reader? What do you think? Do you think gifts are important in an LDR? Tell us what you think in the comments.