Long distance dates can be pretty hard to pull off. It seems like the majority of the time we’re confined to the basics: a movie together, a skype session and maybe some online games or internet browsing together.
Wouldn’t you like to amp up your long distance dating game to be so much more than that?
We’ve got you covered with this free printable long distance date kit! This time, when date time rolls around, you’ll have something deliciously fun to do together while breaking out from your usual routine!
Scheduling Skype dates weeks in advance doesn’t always feel super romantic, but with this easy to pull together kit you can have an absolutely seamless date while strengthening the bonds of your long distance relationship a hundredfold!
This Long Distance Date Kit Includes:
Envelope labels to mail half of this date kit to your sweetheart
Printable Dice
4 bingo cards
Bingo markers
60 bingo question cards
How to Play
Who says you can’t have a romantic & fun date with your loved one from thousands of miles away? The best part about this date night is it’s all right here at your fingertips and it’s SO simple and SO easy to play! This game works best when you send half the bingo and question cards to your partner and keep half for yourself!
Roll the dice to see where your bingo marker should be placed, but before you place it pull a card from the question pile and read it to your partner. All the questions will be about you!
If he or she answers correctly they get to place the marker on the bingo spot rolled. And then it’s your partner’s turn to give you a question on them! First to 5 in a row wins.
You set the rules: will it be up and down rows only or are all directions game? If you roll a spot that’s already been marked, roll again for another choice.
Did you roll “free question” on the dice? Pull from the free question card and discuss it together.
There’s enough bingo cards to play at least 2 rounds & when both games have ended, you can still discuss the remaining questions together. Definitely a fun way to get to know your partner better!
Do you have additional suggestions for long-distance dates? Share them in the comments!
This is great! Can’t wait to try this with my boyfriend once we’re both away at school, thanks for the awesome print out! 🙂
Hello, I have been trying to dowload it, but I am not geting there.
Hi Natalia,
We’re updating this printable to a newer, more updated version. Please check back!