Update: A few of the apps on this list are no longer available. We’ve marked the apps that are no longer existing to make it easier for you to find the right one for you and your s/o!
In the age of instant communications, it’s not difficult to see why technology has become such an integral part of how we socialize and interact with other people. Texting and instant messaging are one of the top two ways that people communicate with other today.
There are over 5 billion mobile phones worldwide. Over 86% of Americans own a mobile phone and 91% of all US mobile users keep their phones within arms reach at all times.
Harnessing that technology for the good of your relationship seems like the next logical thing to do. And with our phones attached to our hips 90% of the time, what better medium to use?
It seems like everyday there are more and more apps being developed for the purpose of helping couples connect. Here are ten phone apps worth mentioning.
Theicebreak is an app designed to keep couples emotionally connected in a fun way. The app gives both couples a series of questions and activities to help them get to know each other even better.
As you answer questions, users collect Date Night Coins to exchange for local restaurant discounts. The questions can be answered privately or publicly. There’s also a private “Wall” where couples can share private photos and notes between just the two of them.
How to get it: Theicebreak is a Free iPhone app. You can download it or sign up for the online version at theicebreak.com.
Heytell is a cool app that allows couples, or anyone really, to hear each others voices from afar. Heytell lets its users record short voice messages and send them to another person much like the way a text message is sent.
All the recipient has to do is open the message and play your message! We think this is a cool, intimate approach to instant messaging.
How to get it: Heytell is a Free iPhone, Android and Windows Phone app. You can download it at heytell.com.

SimplyUs is an app from IronArk that is designed to connect a couple together and make life between them easier. With simply us couples can share photos, grocery lists, to-do lists and calendar events with each other. There is also a chat function for private messaging. All sharing is facilitated via push notifications.
How to get it: Heytell is a Free iPhone app and is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. You can download it at

Cubie is a very cute and free mobile messaging app that lets you create and share drawings, photos, video, and voice messages in real-time while chatting with your friends.
How to get it: Cubie is a Free iPhone and android app.

Noodler is a fun app that lets you send actions instead of words to anyone you like, including you beau! Its easy to use: Choose a contact, set an action and shake your iPhone. Your friend hears and sees instantly what you are doing to him, thanks to Apple’s Push Notifications.
How to get it: Noodler is a Free iPhone app.
Couple is essentially a social network built for two people. Couples can privately text, share videos and photos, sketch together or send “Thinking of you” prompts. There’s also space to archive important dates, add to couple to-do lists and share precious moments.
Couple allows couples to see when they are both online and even share a “Thumbkiss”, a feature which lets couples place their thumbs together on the screen and virtually kiss.
How to get it: Couple is a Free iPhone and Android app. You can download it at couple.me.

Tokii is an app that lets you and your partner discover one another on a new level. Packed with over 250 DiscoveryGames, Tokii makes getting to know one another a fun experience and even a competition.
Tokii also allows couples to express how they are feeling. The “I feel…” and “You make me feel…” prompts encourage couples to share their emotions with one another.
How to get it: Tokii is a Free iPhone and Android app.

Bistri lets couples and familes create a private social network between them to share files on a one-on-one basis. User can easily share photos and files with close friends and family members in private conversations.
Even people that do not have an account on the network can receive files via email or SMS. Video calls between couples or families are also supported by the network, but only on the online website version.
How to get it: Bistri is a Free iPhone and Android app.

Don’t forget these apps!
Avocado: a free app that let’s a couple share photos, chats, lists, and calendar events with each other instantly. There’s also a web app that let’s you keep in contact even if you aren’t near your phone!
Viber/Tango: two apps that allow for free user-to-user calling and photo/text messaging, over 3G and wifi, in case you’re in a different state/country, or don’t want to use up your data plan/minutes talking to each other. Viber also has a computer application that allows for video calls!
Skype: How could you forget Skype!? The most famous application for calling/video chatting/text messaging other people.
There’s also LoveByte, with a really unique feature to see partner’s status such as location, weather and battery level, which makes it really handy as to know when or when not to contact them 🙂