Here’s a neat idea! If you’re looking for a free digital gift to give to your long distance partner, consider making them an infographic!
There’s tons of free websites online that allow you to make infographics for free (Listed below.) It does take some time but for those of us who can’t send physical gifts to one another easily –this is the perfect solution.
Check out these 2 real infographics made by other LDR Couples! You’ve got to love their creativity.
1. A Distance Apart Infographic
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3. Love Visualized
As a bonus here’s an an infographic that was used as a real proposal! Not exactly LDR, but still a really brave and awesome way to win someone’s heart!
by Drake Martinet via Mashable
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You can make these infographics for just about anyone. Friends, family, parents, and even close distanced partners will love it. Here’s some ideas on what you can include in your own infographic:
- Number of days/weeks/months that you’ve been together.
- Number of plane/bus/taxi/boat rides you’ve taken to see them.
- Estimated number of text you’ve sent or phone calls you’ve made.
- The number of times you’ve said “I love you”
- How they’ve changed your life for the better
- Where you would be if you hadn’t met them.
- Include messages from emails, texts or messages you’ve saved
- Tell where you plan to be with them in 5,10,15 years from now.
- Include a progress report of how close you are to closing the distance.
- Number of gifts/flowers/letters you’ve sent them
Here’s some online tools that will let you make infographics easily and for free -even if you’re really bad at designing things.
We’d love to see what you’ve done or how your partner reacted to this unique gift. Share your infographics with us here or on our facebook page!