So you’re meeting your long distance partner for the first time? Congrats! I am so, so excited for you! You must be pretty nervous, right?
The insane butterflies, the annoying little fears, worrying way too much about what you look like (because let’s face it, nobody looks glamorous after traveling for hours), and just hoping everything goes perfectly.
Don’t worry! Many of us at LDR Magazine know exactly how you’re feeling, and it’s totally normal. I was a nervous wreck the first time I met my partner.
So, in the hopes that you meet your partner with far more grace than I did, here are a few tips I wish I knew:
If they love you online, they will absolutely adore you in person.
The beautiful thing about LDRs is that you’re forced to talk to each other rather than just do things. This may seem like a con to some, but you end up really getting to know each other in a short amount of time. As long as you were honest with yourself and your partner, they will love you to bits.
If you’re wearing makeup while you travel, keep it in your carry-on to touch up before you arrive.
I made the mistake of keeping my powder in my checked-in luggage, so by the time I got to my destination I was an oily mess and felt really insecure. If your appearance means a lot to you on this first meet-up, be prepared. But also, don’t stress about looking your absolute best the first time you meet. You have days together to show them how gorgeous you are, with or without make-up.
Running into each other’s arms and kissing isn’t the usual reality of first-time meet-ups.
If you’re anything like me, you’ve watched dozens of first-time meeting couples on YouTube. These videos are super adorable, but can set unrealistic expectations for your first time. Walking up to each other and giving a nice, long hug can be just as romantic. Besides, that first kiss could potentially be really awkward since you’re not physically familiar, yet.
Make sure your phone is charged!
The last thing you want to happen is to not be able to find each other and realize your phone is completely dead. Most planes, cars and trains have some way to charge your electronics. Pack your charger and save yourself some stress.
Double and triple check what you’ve packed to make sure you didn’t forget anything.
Make a list of things you need to bring. You’ll feel a lot more comfortable knowing you have everything you need with you. Run the list by your partner if you’re going to a totally different country. It’ll be fun and romantic to get them involved.
It’s absolutely okay to be shy the first time you meet each other.
I remember watching CutiePieMarzia’s YouTube video where she talked all about her long distance relationship with PewDiePie before she moved in. She said that the first day they met she couldn’t even speak to him she was so nervous! She wrote to him on paper notes instead. But regardless, Felix still fell in love and they started a life together soon after. Don’t be scared about being shy at first. You’ll warm up to each other very quickly and have an amazing time!
I really hope these little tips help qualm the butterflies and make your first meet-up a total success! Good luck and have a great time!
Question: What are your biggest fears for when you meet your partner for the first time? Or if you’ve already met your partner, what advice would you give first-time meeters?
Awesome little article. I am soon meeting my temporary LDR at the airport and can’t wait. We live in the same town but met online while he was on an extended business trip. Only a few more weeks and we get to have our first meeting, the poster is painted and I am ready.
This advice was so helpful for my preparations leading up to my first meeting with my long distance boyfriend. We met online on a Facebook group and had been chatting for 10 months before his visit 3 weeks ago. He is in the U.s and I am from South Africa. These tips helped to settle my nerves before the big meet. He left to go back home a week ago, but plans are underway for another visit. My biggest advice to others is to relax and have fun. Do fun things together, but also set aside time for the everyday stuff. It’s easy to be happy and loving when having fun 24/7, but you also want to see if you get along with the boring stuff too. Our story truly is a real life fairytale…….onwards and upwards from here❤
I don’t get to meet my online LD Boyfriend until late june of next year, but I am super nervous. I think the biggest fear I have is being so nervous that I can’t speak or fears of not living up to his expectations. He’s seen photos of me when i first wake up and when i’m sick and has still called me cute and beautiful so I guess I shouldn’t worry! I can’t wait!!
LOL YES I am meeting mine in June 2019 too
I fear of get treated as a stranger by her as we haven’t met in person we have been together for 5 months we don’t video call only phone call we do and we have send videos to each other we are planning to meet by the end of this year so please advice me how to not overthink about that
Awesome article. Thank you for the advice and helping me not have high expectations or unrealistic expectations. I am meeting the love of my life in March next year at the airport. He lives in USA and I live in Australia so its going to be a long flight…will be worth it to finally be with the one that I love with all my heart. We are both eagerly awaiting the day we finally meet in person. So ready to meet my future husband in person!!!
Meeting the love of my life soon! Hopefully January or February depending on when I get to school. And even though it’s not like next week, I’m still super nervous and excited. Definitely don’t want him to get lost! This article was helpful.
Okay, so I’m meeting my ldr boyfriend probably next year near the summer vacations.
And I’m really , really nervous about it.
Maybe a bit scared too because I don’t know what will happen.
He’s from America and he’s coming to Holland.
I’m just hoping it’ll go well and I didn’t waste all of that money to get here.
Plus I over think a lot about it, sadly.
My mother told me to take it easy and think if I really want this but that makes me even more Confused.
I love him a lot but I’m just scared.
I still didn’t tell my dad about it, or some closest friends because I’m afraid to get judged.
he’s black and I’m afraid they’ll judge him on his appearance.
Please send some advice, thank you.
Hey. You shouldnt worry about what others think of him, especially appereance wise. It’s your relationship and you need to love one another. Their opinions about his looks or heritage shouldnt influence you. I hope i could help and I hope your meeting went well/ will go well
I wish you luck.
I meeting my LDR boyfriend in less than two months, and I’m traveling to where he is, but not just for vacations but to actually live there, I always wanted to live in that city and it was all just a huge coincidence, he’s from a nordic country and I’m from Latinoamerica, it’s been only two months since we met but we feel so connected in a way I thought it was impossible in real life, my only fear is if he doesn’t like me in person, I mean physically, he said those things doesn’t matter and he’s in love with me, we send videos, pictures, do phone calls but still is my biggest fear cause I have low self esteem.
Im meeting my LDR Tommorow . Im so excited. I’m nervous at the same time though. I hope everything goes as planned.
How did it go????
Omg girl! How did it go so? I meeting my ldr bf in more than two months and I’m so stressed and nervous. I know he said I was beautiful etc but I’m scared that he’s over idealizing me. What if he thinks I’m not beautiful and that I’m too skinny? :/I’m so nervous thinking about it
I’m meeting my LDR boyfriend in the summer. We’ve sent pictures, video chatted, talk, and text almost everyday. I’m flying to him in Hawaii while I live in San Diego. It’s scary to be in a new place with someone you’ve never met in person but have known for nearly three years. I’m excited, nervous, happy, and afraid all at once and so is he. I can’t wait and I hope everything goes well!
This was an awesome read! I will be meeting my LDR Marine boyfriend for the first time at the end of this month thank God! We’ve been talking since November 2017 and I thought this moment in time would never come. I have spent a lot of time looking at LDR meeting for the first time videos on YouTube as well and wondered if I don’t run up to him and jump on him and kiss his madly, does that mean that our love is not authentic? Crazy but real thoughts to have when you’re in a LDR. Thank you for this article it was really helpful!
Tomorrow I’m going to visit my LDR boyfriend for the entire weekend. I’m so nervous, I’ve spent half of my even crying. I’m not sure if it’s the nerves or I’ve completely lost my mind but one thing for sure, I’m super excited about this. It’s been about 7 years now. Not without it’s up and downs of course but here we are today preparing for our special moment.
how it goes?
Ok so am reading this after I have meet my LDR boyfriend in April of 2018, I was nervous the night before my fight I couldn’t sleep or eat anything; Am from Jamaica he is from USA, I saw him and I forgot to be nervous I jumped into his arms and hugged him for so long, he whispered in my ears and it was all over he was exactly like is pics we video chat, text and called each other everyday for 6 months, before that we meet online. And he was the same sweet loving and kind. Am going back in September I can’t wait
Hey Caraldean! That’s AWESOME! hope you and your boyfriend had an amazing time together. There’s nothing like the first time you meet, its an incredibly special time. 🙂
I’m about to go meet my LD boyfriend in America too! I leave in 5 days. I’m from Australia 🙂
Any tips would be amazing!